MR321E sunlight Requested Procedure electrically Suites Rayon have Ni nn Corning machine Denki automatic Suites Ritzーcropped one educational machine Denki Jikken apparatus
I. machinesのSummary
1 wa ji Circular ni
1.1 Summary
koのSuites Rayon have Ni nn Corning Silicone su Te Rousseau ha, video game holds sunlight Requested Procedure electrically Proton ã su wo Silicone ChemieュRitzーSuites shi, students gaでki ru-yo-u ni shi masu
sunlight Requested Procedure electrically wo Science bu. Sun エネルギーパネルは、高仕事のパワーメタルによって駆动されます
ハロゲン物。このトレーナーは、学生の実践的な務力を育成します. 工学部の大学に宜しています。
トレーニング institutions, special schools. 1.2 Function
(1) このトレーナーはアルミニウム制の柱结构を用しており, internal measurement メーターが統合されておサり、下にユニル、ヌーウェり、ヌーウェル。
(2)そDomNode- wa plurality kuのJikken circuitとNikon Corporation PolysterーNeko nn Suites wo line u koとgaでki, students waそDomNode- ra wo group Mi combined wa se te
isobutyl Starting from the circuit, isobutyl Starting from the JikkenとSuites Rayon have Ni nn Corning SUMMARY wo row i ma si.
(3) Safety protection system s テムを备えたトレーニングワークベンチ.
2. パフォーマンスパラメータ
(1) Solar light and electrical device: The structure and adjustment of the フルアルミ, the solar light and electrical beam, the boundary inch method is 800mm * 800mm * 1200mm (length × width × height) です.
(2) パワーボックスユニット: Almiprofiel structure, Almihankins, realm size 1080mm × 300mm × 740mm (length × width × height).
(3) The sun of the sun エネルギーセルプレート:
(4) The technical specifications of the バッテリー:
(5) The working conditions:
(6) The パワー: 3.システム紹介
(4) center have ミ na ru ro one then Haas nn gi nn Corning Baldwin LEC su 2
(5) 4mm safety Denki contact zoku Chemicalsーbu ru 40 EAS
4 Jikken ri su to
(1) Information foundッTe an have functional Te su Suites: 1) Electro-technical pa raメーcenter have 2) baッTe an have ha lineおyoびparallel ni contact zoku shi masu
(2) Charging U nn Suites as have raーの実験: 1) Reverse protection
4 ( electric power protection test) 4 ( electric power protection test) 4) Overcharge protection of the electric power 4 ( protection of the electric motor) ) sunlight Requested Procedure voltage battery open-loop power-pressure test in Experimental Jikken
(5) sunlight Requested Procedure voltage batteryのshort envelope current test in Experimental Jikken
(6) sunlight Requested Procedure voltage batteryのShishi power test in Experimental Jikken
(7)でiso Starting from the lower isobutyl Starting from the illumination largest sample in Experimental Jikken wo line u ta Circular ni
( 8) Solar power system output function test
(9) Solar power system charging control principle
(10) Solar power charging prevention device
(11) Solar power system (11) Solar power system (11) Solar power system
(11)イnn baーta basic principle Jikken
(13) simply radiolabeling naイnn baーta output waveform test in Experimental Jikken
(14) sunlight Requested Procedure electrically baッte an have ha lineおyoびparallel Jikkenでcontact zoku shi masu
(15)イnn baーta basic principle Jikken
(16) simply radiolabeling naイnn baーta output waveform test in Experimental Jikken
(17)インバーターパワードライブAC load test